We expect you to be successful and pass the bar exam. We also know you need to put in the work to give yourself the best odds of doing so. You are entitled to a free repeat of Helix UBE, Helix California, or Helix Florida if you meet all the following:
- You are a first-time user of Helix UBE, Helix California, or Helix Florida and purchased your course six weeks or more prior to the associated bar exam date;
- You have completed 75% of the overall course content. The 75% must include completion of the following benchmark coursework:
- Three (out of four) MBE Practice Exams
- The MBE portion of the Simulated Exam
- Submission of three (out of five) Graded Essays and/or Performance Tests
- You failed the Bar Exam or provide evidence of registration for the Bar Exam and valid reason(s) for failure to sit for the exam; and
- You use the free repeat for the next administration of the same jurisdiction's exam.
To claim the free course, complete our support form and include with the submission an attachment of your official bar exam results within 30 days of the date on the notice of failure as notification outside the 30 days waives your right to claim this guarantee.
Note: Helix MBE is a supplemental program so this guarantee does not apply.